FOUNDWEALTH <exhibition>

from: on the condition of the working classes by Leo XIII, May 15, 1891

Duties of the rich men and employers; Workers are not to be treated as slaves; justice demands that dignity of human personality be respected in them...It is shameful and inhuman, however, to use men as things for gain and to put no more value on them than they are worth in muscle and energy. Likewise it is enjoined that the religious interests and the spiritual well-being of the workers receive proper consideration. Wherefore, it is the duty of employers to see that the workers is free for adequate periods to attend to his religious obligations; not to expose anyone to corrupting influences or the enticements of sin, and in no way to alienate him from care for his family and the practice of thrift. Likewise, more work is to be imposed than strenght can endure, nor that kind of work which is unsuited to a worker's age or sex.

look there's some food in the spoon!